43rd Croatian Seminar For Foreign Slavic Studies Students
Dear colleagues and students, the 43rd Croatian Seminar for Foreign Slavic Studies Students will be held in Dubrovnik from 18th to 29th August 2014. By attending lectures and participating in language exercise courses and seminars, our students will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of Croatian language and to study different linguistic, literary, historical and cultural topics. The basis of the academic part of the programme are the lectures. This year's topic of the lecture cycle is „The Politics of Language, Literature and Culture“. Twelve experts from different fields will present recent views on this topic.
More43rd Seminar: Application Process
All candidates who apply for the 43rd seminar – regardless whether it is via the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Ministry of the parent country, Croatian language teacher at the parent university or if the candidate addresses the Administration of the Zagreb School of Slavic Studies directly – are required to send a filled out application form to the School’s E-mail slavisticka.skola@ffzg.hr by 15th May 2014.
MoreProgramme of the 43rd Seminar
The School applies the following educational methods for the specialization of foreign Croatian Studies students: language exercise courses/seminars, theme cycles of lectures, facultative programme, cultural events and field trips. Lecturers, language exercise course and seminar teachers, as well as programme coordinators are in most part members of the Department of Croatian Studies, but also lecturers from other departments of the Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as lecturers of the University of Zagreb and other Croatian universities.
More43rd Seminar: Useful Information
Information related to arrival and departure, accomodation certificates of attendance, visas, health insurance, and contact persons.